Tech Lighting 700mop2c402 Monorail 2 Square Power Feed Canopy Dual-feed
We compared price of Tech Lighting 700mop2c402 Monorail 2 Square Power Feed Canopy Dual-feed across hundreds of online stores. We found Tech Lighting 700mop2c402 Monorail 2 Square Power Feed Canopy Dual-feed in 1 store with lowest price $120.00 in Louie Lighting. For detailed price comparison of Tech Lighting 700mop2c402 Monorail 2 Square Power Feed Canopy Dual-feed check table below.
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Louie Lighting | [show price] | ![]() |
Tech Lighting 700mop2c402 Monorail 2 Square Power Feed Canopy Dual-feed description from Louie Lighting
A dual-feed canopy is mounted to the ceiling above the MonoRail run. It brings power to the MonoRail run from a remote transformer (sold separately) . The low-voltage leads from the remote transformer are connected to the canopy leads inside the junction b
Customer review
I like Tech Lighting 700mop2c402 Monorail 2 Square Power Feed Canopy Dual-feed it's cool, my friend all have it so I decided to get one too. It's the coolest accessories of all time!